Thursday, February 2, 2012

Leon Panetta - War Criminal

Leon Panetta on 60 Minutes

This will be the third time I've publicly stated that I believe Leon Panetta (as well as the President, and his immediate two predecessors) are certifiable war criminals, directly responsible for ordering the killing of numerous civilians and patriots of their respective countries or faiths.

Needless to say, this killing is illegal, and constitutes war crimes.  They admit they are doing it, and defend the practice.  If they will not voluntarily resign, they must be removed from office, and then prosecuted by international authorities in a War Crimes Tribunal.

I don't understand how the news media and almost everyone involved in government can fail to recognize the necessity for this.  Not only do we not have a "rule of law" - we don't even have a free press, sane judiciary or functional legislatures/Congress, and even though the men elected to the Presidency have merit and experience of various kinds, they have proven totally incapable of actually addressing the issues and crises which face us.

It's like, they think it's all a joke, that we were dumb enough to elect them President.  They're just actors like Ronald Reagan, and on the verge of Alzheimer's, at that.  They really don't know what to do, and have no interest in doing it, even if they did know.  Clinton was the last one who at least aspired to this knowledge and informed leadership.  Jimmy Carter was another one - both excelled academically and in their professions or businesses.
But one really doesn't know what to make of an Obama.  Frankly, I don't think it's actually dawned on him, yet, that he actually is POTUS, and can use that office to promote peace, justice, and environmental sustainability.

Some have hypothesized that the President and his family are under threat - that they are forced to do and say these things, on pain of assassination.  It's got to be a major part of the calculation, and obviously is and has been since at least 1963.  But if that is so, then he needs to resign, say something to that effect (as many others, including our top General, Colin Powell, have done), and thus "fix the problem."  If our elected President isn't really our president, then why is he there?  He is not serving the people, but only a few mega-corporations and gangsters.  Let them take care of him, and let us have a different president.

Why aren't any Democrats running against this most-reviled president in history?  Why have they ceded their party to the likes of Max Baucus, Rahm Emanuel, Joe Biden (the Credit Card Senator) and James Carville, who shamelessly use their influence to promote their corporate clients and the party machines?  How can they - especially Democrat women - stand by when a Madeleine Albright or Hillary Clinton leads us into wars and murderous campaigns against civilians?

Albright, Bill Clinton, and Tony Blair were the first set of war criminals widely identified following the intentional liquidation of Serbia, without any UN or other legitimate reasons or justification.  It was simply NATO "re-defining" itself as a kind of global Werhrmacht and Luftwaffe, which fit right in with Bush II and his Zionist Neocons, and has carried over even unto our first African-American President, who is now presiding over NATO raping Africa and the encirclement of the now-economically dominant East Asia.

God and the rest of the world understand this.  They don't know what to make of the "good old USA."  The one they knew and did business with following World War II no longer exists.  It is like we've become "the Image of the Enemy" along with Israel - questing for resources to feed our war machines, and demanding "Lebensraum" from our poorer, darker neighbors.

Isn't it obvious?  We will be punished for our sins, secularly as well as ecclesiastically, on earth as it is in Heaven.  And it may require the complete annihilation of the human species, leaving only machines and few frozen corpses waiting to be revived when Earth is again fit for human habitation. It's definitely something we want to avoid. 

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