Friday, June 8, 2012

Waldegren - Ward Churchill and Julian Assange

This is one of my other persona's - the 4th Duke of Waldegren, based on the science fiction of A Bertram Chandler.  It's just as much me as anyone else, and should be of interest to those with Gothic proclivities...

When the Legends Die  .... and all that rot
Further dispatches from the Duke of Waldegren

Ward Churchill's Defense

I don't suppose Ward is on Facebook - at least, I've never even seen a link to him here, among my elite radical friends.  I owe him one, so here goes.

The failure of the intellectual community, the ACLU, and all the other defenders of truth and justice (not to mention The American Way - maybe that was the stickler) to go ballistic over the U of Colorado's and the Regents/Governor's handling of this issue marked a turning point.  Ward was very widely known.  We used to discuss his books and articles at the local coffeeship - Cattin's (which, of course, was headquartered in the old Wobby stronghold of Centralia, WA).  He probably inspired more Native Americans to head for Academia than anyone in his generation.  And yet, he was treated like a traitor - in the great tradition of his forebears - and driven from his tenured professorship for the most venal of motives - to placate the imperialists who suffered an overwhelming defeat to their plans of global domination.

I've recently been reading Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, and this is the basic text for Ward's defense.  If you've read that long essay, later published as a book, you'll understand what Ward was talking about.  Eichmann was the Third Reich's link to the Zionists, chosen especially because he liked Jews and had many Jewish friends.  He saw his job as saving Jews, and helping them emigrate.  Later, he took charge of the Holocaust, itself, which is why the later Israeli government put him on trial.  He was certainly guilty of the crimes as charged, but he was "only following orders" - a defense we often hear, today.  So, indeed, whoever perpetrated 9-11 was "just following orders."  They were "little Eichmann's" - what they called "Aparatchiks" in the Soviet System.  They were not morally responsible for their actions.

Perhaps we should  promote Ward to the rank of Brigadier General (the Brevit period is long past) in the Royal Waldegren Intelligence Services.  Code Name - Kierkegaard


Duke's Proclamation on the Assange/Wikileaks Issue

We hereby call for an All-Goth's Council, to meet, of course, on Gotland, featuring Julian Assange, Chieftain of the Antipodal Goths, and whatever Scandinavian Royalty wants to show up.  We especially request and welcome the participation of HRH Princess Marthe, and whatever other "hip Royals" want to participate.  This is frankly a Monarchist matter, since it is a monarchy which threatens to detain, extradite (to the US or other hostile power), and thus destroy the very foundations of our cybernetic existence. 

And with the recent capitulation of various Scandinavian governments to the NATO Menace, it is more important than ever that we maintain our political sovereignty and integrity. 

As you know, I occupy a sort of intermediary role.  I make my views very well known, but then I must fight for them.  They don't fit into any "chain of command."  In this sense, I am more of a shaman or prophet than a statesman, and that's what this proclamation maintains.  No Authority, All Truth. 

We are teetering on the brink of the worst global dictatorship and torture-slave pen in the history of the world.  They're actually competing for that honor.  And at the same time, we're an hour away from global nuclear holocaust and environmental degradation (including global climate change - the Curse of Loki) unimaginable in any previous age or existence.  And we're not getting any better. 

We have a sub-culture in the U.S. which was known as "the Goths."  They were the kids (warriors) who did Columbine, and similar incidents.  They're like more sophisticated punks and skinheads.  But more libertarian and "heroic" in their outlook and behavior.  So, they still exist, and I have always befriended them, for whatever reasons, seeing myself in much the same terms and traditions. 

Mr. Assange is clearly in the same tradition, along with Bradley Manning.  These are People's Heroes to us, and we insist that you treat them as such.  This has been passed along to the Swedish ambassador, whence I'm sure it will receive high-priority consideration. 

Since I'm not Swedish, but Norwegian with Icelandic and Danish connections (and brotherhood with Finns), I've got some bones to pick with you guys..  Especially Norway's Statoil (a public, but apparently not a royal, institution) and its participation in the NATO looting of Caspian oil as well as the (magnitudes worse) investment in and promotion of the Alberta Bitumen project.  Who controls the Caspian oil is of little concern to anyone except the people who live there (and what about them?).  But the Tar Sands promise to destroy more environment with less benefit than any project in history. 

Of course, Canadians "think big," and will do anything for a buck, but it's time to get scientific and philosophical, here.  And it's an absolute travesty for the Oil Barons of Trondheim (to which I am distantly related, I think - along with Liv Ullmann) to "invest" or otherwise profit from this disaster.  This isn't state socialism you're practicing.  It's Naomi Klein's Disaster Capitalism.  (Hopefully, Ms. Klein will be a leading witness for the defense in the Assange hearing - I think she slept with him several times.)  And what about the other Naomi I've suspected of that?  Naomi Wolf.  Surely she will participate, as well.  In fact, I might make her my personal representative, since we're Facebook friends.  Along with Paul Street and Glenn Greenwald (he and Robert Greenwald are Peers of the House of Waldegren, by the way). 

So, the Russians have identified NATO as a "monarchist" institution.  So, let's get it done.  Let's be good monarchs instead of corrupt, degraded ones. 

4th Duke of Waldegren  


Here is a piece I recently wrote related to the above, dealing with intellectual and scientific honesty.

Are GMO's Lysenkoism?

I haven't taught biology lately (or ever, but I studied it quite a bit), but on some level, there must be a discussion going on about whether or not GMO's have "refuted" Darwin, and instead, vindicated his inheritist rival, Lysenko.  (A Soviet biologist - Stalin's "biology czar" - who believed, along with established authoritarian dogma - not necessarily Marxism, but a lot of Leninism - that the State could mold any organism or even natural processes (like splitting the atom) to State purposes).  They were also "futurists", who planned to control the future by - Yes! - molding the human genome, as well as plants and animals - to better-serve the purposes of the State (which, of course, is only the manifest Will of the People - the embodiment of the Volkgeist, or whatever). 

All of these concepts were once considered "un-American", and more recently, referred to as "cultural Marxism", "Multi-culturalism", "Liberation Theology", and otherwise "bad things."  They are exactly what Anders Breivik identified in his pogrom against "liberalism" and "social democracy" - Norway's present government and intellectual elite.

Breivik, by the way, should inspire dozens of PhD theses and other scholarly work.  Here is a throwback to the Third Reich (but who thinks Hitler and the blind idiocy he inspired were wrong - obviously, the Zionists won that one, and should be recognized as powerful allies - what was actually the case between the Zionist organizations in the 1930's, and the Nazis.  Eichmann was in charge of those negotiations, since he got on well with Jews).  Or more like the very "terrorist" cadres which our modern National Security State is (supposedly) designed to deal with (by taking them over and adopting the same tactics, apparently).  Perhaps Norway could exchange Breivik for Vanunu, the Israeli who merely verified what all the intelligence services already knew about Israel's nuclear program.

Of course, the Israeli's would never do it, not wanting to acknowledge their kinship with and support from such a "monster."

Speaking of which, why isn't the UN and IAEA examining Israel's completely illegal and criminal development and possession of nuclear weapons?  Everyone in the Middle East (by a wide margin), and many Europeans (anti-Semites and other Nationalists) thinks that Israel is the nuclear threat, not Iran.  So why are we defending the nuclear terrorist state?  Because we are one, too, but the question remains:  do we really want to be a nuclear terrorist state?  And can we please have an open and complete discussion about it, before we spend one more dime on facilities like Malmstrom?  

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